Max. 12 participants (group of 15 including hosts):
Price for the seminar (id no. RW240306) DKK 4,500.
Register by writing an e-mail to, write your full name and address and which seminar you want to register for (ID no. of the seminar)
You will subsequently be sent a registration form where you must answer some questions, when it is completed and returned you will:
Receive an invoice for the seminar you have registered for.
You are registered when the full amount has been paid and no later than February 1, 2024. Registration is binding.
In case of cancellation after 20 February, the course fee of DKK 4,500 will not be refunded.
We travel with KLM from Billund (how to do)
We look forward to traveling with you and to have the most wonderful experiences.
When the "team is set" we hold a video meeting, where it is possible to "meet" each other, ask questions and make contributions to the group.
Participants' prerequisites:
Seeminar and experiences is an individual journey in a group. - Via community and togetherness we will support each other to get the most out of the journey.
It will be an active trip with an interaction of experiences combined with individual and joint energy work. There is also time and space set aside for quiet and personal reflection.
Come as who you are - but you must have the courage to see and meet people who have witnessed genocide and be interested in hearing about the Rwandans' work with healing, reconciliation and peace.
The trip requires you to be dressed for activities in varying temperatures. We are not going on challenging hikes, but we are going on walks up to 5 km. in hilly terrain. It is a big advantage if you can sit on the ground/grass. Please let us know in connection with your registration if there are any special circumstances surrounding your mental or physical health. We reserve the right to guide you and advise you on participation.
Liability and insurance:
Participation on the trip and the mini-seminar in Rwanda is at your own risk. None of the 3 hosts can be held responsible for any damages a participant may incur or inflict on others on the trip. As a participant, you must be covered by your own accident, liability or travel insurance on the trip.
Photos of the participants taken by the hosts may be used for marketing other seminars and courses. If a participant does not want their photo used, this must be communicated before the trip begins.
When you register for the seminar and trip to Rwanda, the hosts will use your name, email and phone number to contact you about the trip.
We process your information with respect and according to the rules for personal data. We handle and store your personal information under passwords and do not pass information on to third parties.
You always have the option of being deleted from our list by writing to: