More about the journey to Rwanda
The trip to Rwanda is planned by 3 hosts Peruth, Annette and Ulla.
Peruth has established IHUZA, which in "Kinyarwanda" (Rwandas official language) means "it connects". IHUZA intends, with various initiatives, to build bridges between people and countries with Rwanda as a starting point.
The trip to Rwanda for inner-peace is one of the exciting initiatives planned by the three hosts.
We will complement each other on the trip with planning the practical and spiritual part. Peruth speaks the language and has resently been on a trip to Rwanda to make agreements with hotels, organizations, transport, and safari etc.. In this way we aim for you to have good experiences and also have time and tranquility to reflect and meditate.
As a participant, you have the opportunity to have an influence on the sessions and to make choices in relation to the expenses where there is self-payment. See more under "Economy".
Inspirational trip to Rwanda for inner-peace
Are you concerned with peace? Can we achieve peace in the world through reconciliation and forgiveness between people?
Are you curious about how reconciliation between people can unfold?
Are you interested in being personally inspired for reconciliation and forgiveness in your own life and in contributing to peace in the world?
The 3 approaches to the journey:
1. On the journey, we will experience Rwanda starting from Kigali and the surrounding area. We meet Rwandans and talk to them about their lives and their peace project of reconciliation and forgiveness
2. In the travel group, we will daily reflect together on the concepts of peace, reconciliation and forgiveness. Via meditation w will go a little deeper to strengthen and influence our own consciousness. The intention is to get a clearer view of whether there are areas in our own lives where we can/want to work on forgiving, being forgiven or where we must/can forgive ourselves.
3. Meditation and energy work:
a. During meditation, we sit together to create a calm and attentive atmosphere. Some days we have guided meditations and some days we simply set an intention for a meditation, where we each go inward and look at areas that affect us. We meditate for more peace and balance in our own lives.
b. With energy work, we start from the fact that we are all connected as people in a common energy, - a common consciousness. When we meditate, we can tap into the shared energy of desires, intention and good thoughts of peace. Here, the intention is that together we can influence and strengthen our common energy and people's fundamental desire for peace and a peaceful good life (exactly as in a prayer). - The goal is that with our wishes for peace we can influence more peaceful initiatives in the world.
Why travel to Rwanda to seek personal development?
Rwanda is a pioneering country where peace work involves the population's intention for reconciliation. The work for peace is unique and exemplary. Not entirely straightforward, as it requires an effort from all people in the country.
Rwanda's peace project is based on "Genocide 1994" (genocide in 1994). The work for peace is unique and exemplary, because in Rwanda, one consciously works to support the ability and willingness of the inhabitants to heal, reconcile and forgive themselves and each other. The purpose is to move forward peacefully and to prevent unrest in the future, and we as humans can certainly learn from it in many ways.
On the journey we will meet people who will share their experiences and how they deal with reconciliation, forgiveness and peace, we will be curious and hopefully be inspired. - How can we use their experience and methods in our own lives and can it inspire our life and world view?
There are many exciting angles on creating peace. On this journey, we will focus on reconciliation and forgiveness between people and will not deal directly with the political part of peace processes.